Acai Berry

20 Habits That Make You Fat

In today’s society there are many ways to develop poor health choices. The following are 20 habits that can increase fat content.

Low-fat foods

Low-fat foods substitute fat with simple carbohydrates which act as a type of fat fuel. Not only does a high carbohydrate diet fuel increased fat development, but carbohydrates digest quickly and can cause rebound hunger.

Not Seeking Help

Many people fail multiple times at dieting, but continue to try without guidance. Seeking nutritional counselling can better inform you and help in creating a healthier lifestyle.

Poor Sleep Habits

Sleeping too much or too little can cause increased fat retention. Too little sleep causes increased sugar consumption and too much sleep can cause fat to be stored. Six to eight hours is optimal.

Free Food

Complimentary food at restaurants such as bread sticks or chips contain minimal nutrition value, but come at a price. Some bread sticks contain 150 calories and can quickly increase the total calories of the meal.

Drinking Pop

Both regular and diet soda can increase fat. Regular contains high carbohydrate values, and diet pop contains artificial sugars that can increase appetite.

Skipping Meals

Taking a meal off can slow down metabolism and increased fat produced. Five small meals per day can increase metabolism throughout the day.

Eating Quickly

Eating too fast doesn’t allow the body to understand it is consuming calories. Taking more time to eat allows the body to catch up and feel full after much less food consumption.

Too Much TV

Studies have shown that reducing TV time can increased calories burned. Multitasking while watching also helps burn calories.

Value Meals

These may be cheaper, but they contain more calories and may be more food than you want.

Looking At Buffets

When eating at a buffet style restaurant try to face away from the food. This creates a decreased need to consume more food.

Plate Size

When given the option, choosing a smaller plate can save on calories. Larger plates have more food and calories.

Serving Dishes

When serving a family style meal, avoid placing the serving dishes on the table. Place them away from the table to limit the access to more food.

White Bread

Choosing white bread over wheat bread creates higher carbohydrate consumption. These extra carbohydrates cause rebound hunger and a sugar rush.

Big Bites

Taking big bites of food has shown to increase calorie consumption. Smaller bites help the body feel fuller and can decrease calorie consumption.

Not Getting Enough Water

Water is not only fuel for the body, but it also can make you feel full faster. People who drink water before a meal consume fewer calories.

Overweight Friends

People who surround themselves with overweight people tend to be overweight themselves. This is from increased calories consumed when hanging out, as well as decreased accountability towards weight loss.

Late Night Eating

When sleeping a good amount the body can burn fat. If the stomach is busy processing recently eaten food, however, the fat burning process is put on hold.

Not Using A Scale

When people are monitoring weight with a scale they are more likely to be focused on their goals. Being aware of what works and what doesn’t for weight loss is a good step to continue losing weight.

Fruity Drinks

Fruit drinks from the store or a restaurant usually contain high amounts of syrups and sugars. This equates to a larger waistline.

Emotional Eating

When emotions are running high, don’t head for food. Not only does this create unnecessary calorie consumption, but it also increases the likelihood of more emotional eating.

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Acai Berry

The Wonders of Acai Berry to Your Health

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Have you heard about the wonders of acai berry to your body, mind, and health? Why is it called the “glorious food”?  Do you have any idea on what it can do to your body, and how it fortifies it for good health? Would you like to know the wonders of acai berry to your health? Do you think it can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, aging, and hair loss? Well, if you keep on comprehending this piece of an article, you will have the retorts about your worries, anxiety, fears, and difficulties. After you have read this informative page, living a healthy life wouldn’t be, as hard as you thought to achieve.

Nowadays, it’s a lot easier to acquire a vulnerable body, compared to keeping our health defensive, and healthy, because of the changes in our environment, which could be caused by polluted air, and water. People can easily obtain the harmful contents from the polluted air, and water, which is the primary cause of our illness, and diseases. Needless to say, we can help ourselves in preventing the situation to grow worst, and we can do that if we choose to take vitamin supplements, and choose to eat, and live a healthy life. The superior news is that we can find a lot of health benefits from acai berry drinks, and supplements. So, what are the wonders of acai berry to our health?

It’s said that acai berry juice are effective, and beneficial for people whose suffering from a number of diseases, and it’s helpful to reducing cholesterol, weight loss, skin care benefits, prevention in arthritis, and easing anxiety, and depression. It has been proven to be effective in losing weight, because it flushes out the harmful toxins in our body. It also gives relief to people experiencing exhaustion, anxiety, stress, and depression, because it gives the body more energy to be able to perform at your best. It promotes healthy blood circulation, which results to healthier, and growth of hair, and normal blood pressure, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Now that, you know the benefits that you can acquire with the use of acai berry drinks, and supplements, it should be a lot easier for you to live the healthy life that you deserve. However, if you have a serious illness, and disease, it would be best for you to speak, and consult your doctor to avoid the situation from getting worse.

Acai Berry

The Benefits of Acai Berry to Your Skin

Do you think you have a healthy and glowing skin? Do you feel irritated, and disappointed, when people say, you have dry skin, and you must moisturize it often? Would you like to know a robust and quick way to gain a healthy and glowing skin? Do you want to reduce your wrinkles, and find a way to prevent them from occurring? Have you heard of acai berry’s advantage to the skin? Would you like to know the benefits of acai berry to skin care? Well, if you keep on comprehending this part of an article, you will have the retorts about your worries, difficulties, and ideas. After you have read this informative page, taking care of your skin, and keeping it healthy wouldn’t be, as difficult as you thought it would be.

Of course, every one of us would like to have a healthy and beautiful skin, and no one would like to have a face full of acne, and dry skin on the entire body. A lot of us would purchase expensive products, because they think it’s more effective, rather than the cheaper beauty products at the store. Some would even look for home remedies, for they are afraid for developing side effects, and more acne, and blemishes. Well, the great news is that people can get a hold of beautiful skin, with the help of acai berry fruits, which can be taken, as a supplement, or drink. Most people have never heard of acai berry, and its benefits before, until, it blown out the media, and introduced to everyone. So, what are the benefits of acai berries to the skin?

Acai berries have natural antibacterial substances, which restrict the development of the acne-producing bacteria. It’s proven to reduce acne formation, duration, and size of the acne. You can find acai berry in soaps, facial moisturizers, and cream, too. Another thing is that, it has a great quantity of antioxidants, which helps promote the growth of new cells, and reduces wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes, and acne. It’s proven to be helpful in obstructing the aging route.

Now that, you have an idea about the benefits of acai berry juice, and supplement for your skin,  it should be easier for you to have a glowing skin, and easier to maintain it healthy. You can also recommend the use of acai berry supplements, and drink to your family, and friends, especially if you find it appropriate for them, as you’ve already seen the benefits of acai berry to your skin, and health.

Acai Berry

The Health Benefits of Lemons

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Lemons have been used for many centuries as part of everyday life. The usage of lemons is varied, from being part of a home remedy cure, to being added to a range of different meals to add flavor; there are endless possibilities to their usefulness. In recent years, there has been more emphasis on the health benefits of lemons, and how they can be used as part of a well-balanced diet to keep your body in perfect working order.

Whether you make your own homemade lemonade, squeeze a bit of lemon into hot water, add lemons to your food or drink, or even produce your own lemon juice, the health benefits will remain the same. Here are a few of the reasons why people enjoy lemons on a regular basis.


Many people swear by using lemons as a way to treat and prevent indigestion occurring after meals. A good way to do this is by drinking a warm cup of water with some lemon juice added in, right after you have finished your meal. This provides better digestion and helps your food go down well.


Another of the health benefits of lemons is its ability to help improve the quality of your skin. This is very good news for people with acne, as by drinking lemon juice every day you would be giving yourself a great chance of getting rid of any blemishes and impurities of the skin.


Many people swear by lemons as an excellent remedy for relieving constipation and good general bowel health. It is said that by drinking lemon juice or adding lemon to drinks, actually helps in eliminating unwanted waste and toxins from this part of the body.

Home remedies

Lemons have long been known for their excellent and highly effective antibacterial attributes, which makes them a very popular ingredient in countless home remedies. If you are suffering from a sore throat, then an effective home remedy you can try is honey and lemon tea.

Lemons can also be used as part of a homemade mouthwash solution, with other ingredients such as salt and water. Again, this can be highly effective if you have a sore throat, by spending some time gargling the mouthwash before spitting it out.

It can also be used for toothaches, especially if you haven’t had any luck with normal over the counter painkillers. Swish a little bit around the affected area for around 60 seconds, a few times a day.

Mood enhancement

Another of the health benefits of lemons is increased mood throughout the day. Try drinking some lemon juice at the start of your day for a period of time, and see if you start to feel any mood enhancement. Lemon juice doesn’t take long to prepare, and if it can get you feeling more mentally alert and less stressed, then it is time well invested!

Chapped lips

If your lips struggle during the winter and often becomes dry and chapped, then a good alternative to regular lip balm is lemon juice mixed with olive oil. Apply to your lips a few times a day and you will start to notice results in no time at all.

Give it a try

The health benefits of lemons are clear to see. Whether you are adding it to meals, drinks, making your own lemonade or lemon juice, or preparing a homemade remedy, lemons are an essential part of life for many people, and it will continue that way for years to come.

If you are suffering from skin complaints, bowel problems, indigestion, or a sore throat, why not give lemons a try? You might be glad you did.

Guest article provided courtesy of Claire, owner of – an excellent consumer resource for food processor reviews. We also provide the most important info that you need to know about the Braun multiquick 3 k650.


Acai Berry

Weight Gain Tips for Beanstalks

While everyone else in the world seems occupied with figuring out how to lose weight, many young guys feel that they’re too skinny and need to gain weight – lots of it in some cases. However, as many discover, gaining weight can be just as hard as losing weight. Don’t fret if you belong in that category, because there is hope: read the guidelines here, and you’ll probably end your days as the proverbial “beanstalk” in six months to a year. Gaining weight can be done in three easy steps:

1. Commit to a massive increase in daily calorie intake

If you’ve found it hard to gain weight, it is because you’re not consuming enough calories. To gain weight, start eating slightly bigger meals (just stuffing yourself a little bit – adding a dessert is a good thing), start snacking between meals, and add another meal to your daily schedule. You basically need to train yourself to eat more, as bodybuilders have been doing for decades in order to most effectively fuel muscle growth. Focus on calorie rich foods, and the job will be much easier.

Here are a few great weight gain foods you should start consuming regularly if you aren’t already doing so:

  • Banana and peanut butter sandwiches. These calorie monsters combine fats with both fast and slow calories, and are therefore marvelous for gaining weight. Remember to also use regular butter and not just peanut butter on them.
  • Cheese. Cheese sandwiches, pizzas, cheeseburgers: you don’t need a degree in physiology of nutrition to understand that these kinds of foods are only for those who don’t weigh more than they would like to. Eat plenty of cheesy foods all the time.
  • Whole milk. 100 ml of whole milk will give you 65 calories. A
  • Liquid calories. Even though whole milk is very effective as a weight gain food, almost all kinds of liquid calories are great. Sodas, fruit juices and milkshakes work great. A weight gain supplement like Mutant Mass can help you take things even further, but make sure to add a drink like that to your regular meals, or you’ll lose much of the effect.
  • Oils. Get some flax seed oil and olive oil, and start adding a table spoon or two of mixed olive and flax seed oil to your fruit juices. Again, the high calorie count of this drink and the carbohydrate / fat combination make this a deadly tool against skinnyness!
  • Meat. All meats are great, but look for the fattier stuff, and remember to always eat meat with a carbohydrate source and preferably a high calorie sauce of some kind.
  • Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are high calorie, healthy snacks that you can bring with you everywhere. 100 grams of nuts per day in addition to regular meals will boost your calorie intake by a whopping 600+.

2. Lift weights.

Lifting weights will help  you build muscle and make sure most of those extra calories you’re consuming don’t turn to fat. You want to get big, not turn into Jabba The Hut, and to do that you need to lift weights 2-4 times per week.

3. Chill Out.

Learning to deal with stress and keeping a relaxed attitude to everything will lower your basal metabolic rate and help you gain weight faster. Learn meditation, the Sedona Method, EFT or whatever it is you need to help you relax more. If you ever find yourself fidgeting, deal with it immediately. Also, don’t stand when you can sit, and don’t sit when you can lie down. Chill out, eat well and lift weights and you’ll be able to quit being a beanstalk sooner than you think.

Acai Berry

Staying Fit and Healthy During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a great chance to enjoy food and fun with the people you love the most. Unfortunately, a lot of people tend to go overboard when it comes to festive eating. Who can blame you when there are so many delicious treats that only come around during this time of year. Sometimes it’s impossible to say no as we indulgent food that makes the holiday season even more exciting. But by the time New Year’s rolls around, a lot of us regret eating so much as our waistline begins to expand.

With healthier eating and smarter choices, there’s no reason why you have to deal with weight loss after the holiday season. It’s entirely possible to stay fit while enjoying family meals and good times as well. Of course you won’t be able to go crazy with all of the food you’d like to eat, but you might be surprised at how enjoyable careful moderation can be. Here are some things to consider that will help you to stay trim during the holidays.

Avoid Dieting – it might seem like a good idea to skip a few meals or go on an all-out diet for the holidays. But if you don’t do things carefully, you could end up creating incredible cravings that become irresistible. You might also slow down your metabolism to the point that your body can’t help but gain weight throughout this time. You should avoid unhealthy dieting at any time of year, and there is virtually no chance of success in the long term if you start during the holidays.

Don’t Go For Seconds – this seems like a very simple rule, but it can work wonders if applied appropriately. Just make sure that you don’t go for seconds at family meals. Whether it’s a meal cooked by your grandmother or a self-serve buffet, go ahead and indulge with your first plate. Limiting yourself to one helping will help to cut down on the excess calories.

Watch the Drinking – remember that every calorie counts during the holiday season, and for many people, a lot of calories come from a drinking. Every delicious alcoholic beverage contains calories and in many cases, more than you know. You don’t have to go completely dry during the holidays, but you should be aware of how much you drink and where you can cut back.

Cook Your meals – a great way to ensure that you aren’t getting too many high cholesterol foods or excess calories is to prepare your own meals. Instead of going out to a restaurant for a big family dinner, think about using fresh ingredients and the healthiest recipes you can find. Having full control over what goes into a menu gives you far more control over your overall health. Obviously you aren’t going to be able to cook every meal during the season, but one or two can make a tremendous difference.

Exercise – if you are serious about staying fit during the holiday season, then get up off the couch! You might be loaded with obligations and busier during this time of year, but there are no excuses for not exercising. It will help to keep your metabolism going and allow you to indulge in more treats because it gives you a lot more leeway your overall caloric intake. Rather than dealing with a fast weight loss program in the future, maintain a healthy degree of exercise and you’ll be able to maintain your regular weight.